Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Walk with a View

A wonderful walkway winds in and out around the woods of my neighborhood.  The canopy of trees certainly makes for an excellent escape from the Texas heat.

I typically find myself on the walkway on a Saturday morning run; ipod app to track my fitness, with a playlist set to shuffle.  I always take off in the same direction, as I know the mileage and can pace myself.  It gives me time to think as the beat of my feet hitting the pavement keeps rhythm with the music.  I’ve run this way hundreds of times; I know each turn by heart.

But, today was different.  It was not a running day.  Actually, it was just one of those days where I had a weird gap in between my morning “taxi” driver events for my daughter and I decided to go for a walk.

As I reached the start of my usual route, my inner rebel said, “counter-clockwise”.  What could it hurt to head in the opposite direction since it wasn’t a measured run in which I needed to pace myself. 

With only minor hesitation…. yes, I actually took time to contemplate it…. I took a left turn.

I was enjoying my newly created playlist and meditating on the words of the song, when I looked up to see a spectacular sparkle of sun streaming through the trees above.  Up ahead was a completely unique and beautiful scene; they way the sidewalk curved just so around the hilly ground; the sunlight captured at just the right angle.  How could I have run this path so many times and missed this scenic section of it?

But, I hadn’t missed it.  It was here all the time.  The same path I usually ran, only this time, I was facing the opposite direction.


Typical of myself, I’m usually in “me” mode.  You know, “I know best”!  That’s when I just go about my day doing and saying things that are set in my mind because that’s they way they make sense to me.  It’s not necessarily “truth”; it’s just “my way”.

But it’s really just my perspective; my view from the direction on the path that I chose to take.

It hits me hardest when my husband says something like, “I know you won’t agree with this but…”, or, “Just listen to all I have to say before you reply.”

Obviously, there are times when I have let my perspective become my reality.  I have neglected to see things from a different direction; someone else’s perspective.

And, the reflection on my heart tells me that God is at work again, breaking down my pride.  While there are many good and beautiful perspectives, there is only one truth.  Psalm 25:9 tells us that “He leads the humble in what is right and teaches them His way”.

He is asking me to let go of the tight grip that I have on “my way” of doing things; my perspective is not always truth.  The only place I can find truth is in God and in His word.

“And what does the Lord require of you?  To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.”  Those are His instructions in Micah 6:8. 

How can I put these into action throughout my day?  

What does it mean to "act justly"?  Maybe it could simply be that I don't join in on gossip in a conversation of friends.  Or possibly that I stick up for the store clerk who is being "bullied" when there is a long line, and she is having difficulty when people waiting are being rude.  If I look for opportunities in my day, I will find them and they are not all about "me".

How to I love with mercy?  I admit this one takes a little more work for because it often cuts deeper into long term relationships.  Often it is overlooking faults of those in our family; biting our tongue and not using the sarcasm that is so easy to show our true heart even though it's funny.  It is going out of our way to do something loving for a family member, even when I know they will not notice or give me the praise I would seek.  "...working as for the Lord rather than for man," (Col 3:23)

Putting other's before self and serving them while putting yourself last is extremely difficult in a world that constantly advertises and promotes, "me" first.  But God is seeking humble and gentle hearts.  He is a rewarder of pure hearts.

"True humility and fear of the Lord lead to riches, honor and long life," according to Proverbs 22:4.

So before I even lift my head off the pillow and place my feet on the floor each morning, I first need to set my mind on the path that my journey for that day will follow.

I will choose to act justly so I can look up to see a spectacular sparkle of sun streaming through the trees above.

As I follow the curves today, I will choose to love with mercy, making allowance for others’ faults so I can see the beauty around the hilly ground.

And if I keep my head bowed and let God lead, knowing that He is in control, then at just the right moment, the warmth and glow of the sunlight will be captured through the trees at just the right angle. 

That is His reward and grace sufficient for today and I can see the beauty in God’s creation with an open perspective and honor to God.

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