Saturday, April 7, 2012


Last night, Good Friday, I went to a program at local church, “Messiah 33AD”.

It was a moving experience and I endeavored to open my heart and watch the story of Jesus Christ’s life and crucifixion with a fresh perspective.  I saw things a little differently and learned some new lessons.

But, it wasn’t until today, that I came to my greatest and newest perspective.

It is certainly not a coincidence that I am healing from foot surgery after a poorly diagnosed and mis-treated injury.  Since my surgery five weeks ago, I have been unable to bear weight and walk.  I have struggled with my lack of independence and control over the fast pace of life around me. 

But there was a greater lesson in why God timed this recovery to overlap the Easter weekend. 

Every other day during my recovery,  as I spend time changing the bandages on my left foot, my view is that of two long, healing scars; one on the top, the other directly below it on the bottom of my foot.  I remember the surgeon told me as I awoke in recovery, that at one point during the procedure, she could see straight through my foot.

On Good Friday, over 2000 years ago, Jesus suffered much greater injury.  However, one such wound was in common, caused by a spike driven through His feet.

The Bible tells us that Jesus was beaten and bruised, tortured and spit upon; all before being crucified upon the cross.  A nail in each wrist / hand, and one through both His feet, held him to the cross where He bled and died for our sins.

But, three days later, on what we now celebrate as Easter morning, He miraculously arose from the grave; alive and walking.

I cannot comprehend the defeat of death, other than accepting it by faith.  But, what struck me today and brought me to tears, was the fact that He was wounded; hands, feet and body.  His feet and His hands had been pierced and left open.  He had no medical care, stitches, antibiotics or crutches.

Yet, three days later, yes, He miraculously arose from the dead.  But, the newly revealed miracle to me was that He was healed!  He walked in the Garden of Gethsemene.  He walked three days after an injury that would allow you to see straight through His foot.

I have such scars on my foot.  I have endured much pain.  I have hopped, crutched and scooted around, laboring to the point of exhaustion for five weeks.  I am still healing and unable to walk.  But, Jesus was healed.  Jesus walked!

My Easter has a new perspective.  I am grateful for a God of such power.  I am praying for His healed, scarred hand, to touch my scarred foot and allow me too, to walk again.

He knows the pain and suffering I have endured.  It is minimal to His sufferings.  But He is a God of life, mercy and forgiveness.  He heals our bodies and hearts.  He conquered death and injury, that we too might have life; abundant and eternal.