“Two more weeks. “
That’s what my orthopedic surgeon said during my three-week post-op visit. Since having surgery on my left foot, I have been unable to bear weight on it. Ummmm, that means standing, walking, waiting in a line, “running” an errand. Now, she wants me to stay off it for an additional few weeks.
I’m taking it day by day. As a wife who manages a household; a mother who taxi’s and attends to the likes of two very active girls; a middle school teacher who travels the hallways filled with students focused on self -- Crutches are not an option!
Before the day of my surgery, I set my mind on renting a knee scooter to take the place of crutches. I can be quicker, more independent and multi-task.
Crutches keep your entire body busy and off balance. My scooter allows me freedom to move and clears my mind to focus on a task, rather than, “don’t fall”!
It’s taken me some time in this life, but I’ve finally realized: EVERTHTHING we experience in life is SPIRITUAL.
Crutches are like me living my own life, in my own control, on my own schedule. It seems like a great idea. Until we realize we are limited, weak and wounded. We grasp and struggle to stay balanced in life; constantly thinking, “don’t fall”.
Only when we understand that “our way” is a life spent picking ourselves off the ground, do we realize that, if we just had balance we would be free to “glide” though life with the comfort and peace of knowing that He is in control.
Living the spiritual life and seeing that God is in control, is the best way to find freedom. That sounds so backwards. Someone else in control and we are free? Yes! We are free to live in peace and know that we don’t have to carry the load alone. Whew!
According to Ephesians 6:12, “Our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.”
Seriously? Spiritual forces? That is not something I feel that I can control.
Sounds too heavy!
Or………Wait, I can just count on God. What a relief. After all, He’s a Spiritual Force. I’ll let Him handle it.
Jesus told us in John 10:10, that, “he thief comes only to steal and destroy, but I have come that you might have life and live it to the full.”
I am daily placing my faith in Jesus and His love for me. Gliding, I choose to give the control of my life to Him rather than leaving myself vulnerable and open to the thief who shakes me and knocks me off balance.
The funny thing about this knee scooter is, that while it has handles, and an axle that will turn the front wheels, the turning radius is huge! I can go forward with ease; smoothly coasting, leaning and resting as I propel myself.
But, get yourself in a tight spot, a small bathroom, a long hallway…….. The “turn around” is not going to happen. So you try to back it up, inch by inch, like backing a horse trailer with a truck! This is not working! Then….. Stuck, calling for help.
Maybe that’s why God intended us to look forward in life. He gave us eyes in the front with feet pointed in one direction. He wants us to move forward. He does not want us to go backward; to constantly fret over the past, dream of what could have been or live with regret.
That is how you get “stuck” in life. God gave us a vision forward and wants us to trust in Him.
Then, I had an epiphany about just that thing. After my doctor said those words, “two more weeks,” I was immediately worried about the upcoming travel with my youngest daughter to an out of state volleyball tournament.
How would I _____________________________? (fill in the blank)
Driving, airports, flying, shuttles, tiny hotel bathrooms, that narrow aisle on the airplane, the pressure up in the air…… I could go on.
And then God nudged me! This was not news to Him. He did not just fall off His throne with this prescription from my doctor.
No. Even before He created me, He knew this weekend would come and that I would be given, “two more weeks”. It’s not like He slapped the side of His head and said, “Oh wait! I forgot about the scooter!”
He knew. He would be faithful. Forward, I go. No regrets, worries or control. I will rely wholly on the strength of God. I will glide in His grace and favor.